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Got a New Shoe!!

The New DonJoy MaxTrax™ ROM Walking Boot

The cast is off and the stitches are out. The scar was somehow bigger than I expected. I guess, after several years with ruptures and tendinitis, they had to open this one up a bit more than they would have with a less degenerated tendon.

So. Now I have this moon walker for additional four weeks which provides a protected range-of-motion. Right now I don't seem to have any motion at all, but it'll come. I have plenty of time. The tendon wont take a maximum load before january.

Here a nice shot of what it looks like now. The whole calve looks a kind of withered and I measured it to be more than an inch (!) smaller (circumference) than it used to be before the rupture. But OK. That's just a muscle and will be back pretty fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ja, d må eg sei! Imponerande bra blogg Sjur! komme te å følge med deg her koss d går med deg og skaden din! Håpe d går fortere enn forventa. God bedring!