I had a short ride yesterday in wind and sprinkling rain. Twilight time is already around four PM now and the temperature is down at around 5-10 deg C (40-50 deg F). Summer is over Summer days are long here up north, but the winter days are short. Further up north they're going towards several month with no sunlight at all. That must be pretty depressing. I stopped letting the weather be in control for all my doings a long time ago. Of course I appreciate the summer heat and light, but winter's OK too. Just needs to add a little bit more of red wine and good food
Daylight Saving Time's Over
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Now We're Getting Somwhere
I started workout some time ago now, but wasn't really responding to it before until a couple a weeks ago. My left calf is not there yet, but the rest is really coming back to me. The belly's gone and the weight and strength is pretty much up where it belongs. I haven't done any running yet, except for jogging, and hope to start that in a couple of weeks. Of course we're not talking any serious sprinting but it's gonna be nice to do some interval training running instead of everything on the bike. I feel cardio on the bike is two times the time, two times the effort and half the pay.
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It's Italian, It's red and It's made of Steel
My latest build. This one's a really nice ride. Made by Daccordi for a Norwegian brand (DBS) to be used by the Norwegian National Team.
I choosed to go for DT shifters and non aero brake levers to shave of some weight. The weight is in fact down just below 19lbs (8,5kg). Not bad for an all steel frame/fork. I could of course have made it lighter by adding some CF components and totally ruin the aestetics, but that's not what this bike's all about. This is not just an other WW project.
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