What a great start. One week of work out and one week of flu. Not exactly according to planned, but it never is. Is it? In between the brakes of extreme headache I managed to do a little bike work. Here's how the latest Italian's looking like now. In fact now it also has a chrome headset installed so it's only the seat post missing. The one pictured has the wrong diameter. How do you like those pink cables and housings?
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Had my second (real) work out today after many the month of nearly nothing due to injuries and severe lack of motivation. There want be much running the first couple of month. I still need to do most of the work on the (stationary) bike. There's hardly any power in my calve. The first month and a half's intervals three times a week and strength training in between. Need to teach the pump to squeeze blood around my body again. Man am I miles away from where I was! Basically. I suck right now.
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This nice guy who a few weeks ago was willing to trade me a Daccordi frameset called me up about a frameset he knew about that might be for sale. The frame was a NOS crazy colored 58 Fondriest steel from late 80' early 90'. After being in my basement he knew there were some stuff he could use and offered him selves to by the frame, since he knew the guy, and make another trade. Course I was up for that.
It's nice isn't it? It will have red wheels with yellow tires. Perforated silver bar-tape and white hoods. 2*10 speed/downtube shifters. This one is not to keep though. Goes to my cousin. I know it'll be in good hands.
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